Practical data protection in education and training and in projects
Support for European organisations
Everyone is talking about data protection. Data protection here, data protection there. Data protection gives us as users, consumers, certain rights to protect our personal data. At the same time, it also brings obligations for companies and organisations when processing personal data. These rights and obligations have been enshrined in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) since 2018.
But what do these regulations mean for me personally and for my everyday working life? At this point, we want to support them in planning and implementing their projects as well as training and further education offers in a data protection-compliant manner. This includes teaching materials to raise awareness of data protection issues and a guide for handling project data and participant data. In addition, we present a selection of suitable online tools for lesson preparation, delivery and follow-up.
In this project, you will find concrete guidance, checklists and best practices that help to take data protection regulations into account in everyday life and to anchor data protection as a central topic already in project planning. In the long term, we want to sensitise your employees and your organisation to the topic of data protection.

Concrete guidance, checklists, information on best practices and an e-learning module on data protection
Background information on the project: duration, target groups as well as detailed information on the project objectives and project content